Hair Mineral Analysis

Hair Mineral Analysis is a screening test to measure the levels of up to 45 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body.

Hair is an excellent biopsy material as it represents a storage and eliminative soft tissue of the body. As hair grows it forms a permanent record of the body’s nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

The analysis will provide the basis for a nutritional balancing program to establish and maintain optimal levels of wellness. By correcting tissue mineral levels and ratios with proper diet, supplementary nutrients and lifestyle modifications, many physical and behavioral health conditions can be prevented or reversed. Restoring minerals and adjusting their ratios allows thousands of chemical reactions to proceed at their optimum rate.

Minerals screened include electrolytes – calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium trace minerals – copper, selenium, iron and zinc.

Hair Cortisol Analysis

Hair cortisol analysis is a biomarker of chronic stress. Cortisol is a hormone called a glucorticoid. It’s known as the body’s “stress hormone” and affects almost every organ and tissue in the body. The main function of cortisol is regulation of the body’s response to stress. Other vital tasks include:

  • Helps to maintain blood pressure, heart function and blood vessel function.
  • Helps to slow the immune system’s inflammation response.
  • Helps balance the effects of insulin in breaking down glucose 
for energy.
  • Helps to control the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates 
and fats.
  • Works with cell receptors to receive thyroid hormones from 
the blood, thereby enhancing thyroid function.
  • Regulates serotonin, which helps to provide a sense of 
well-being and calm.

Chemical & Environmental Patch Test Panels

The skin, our body’s largest organ, is in contact with thousands of substances on a daily basis. From cosmetics to household cleaning supplies, there are many elements that could cause irritation. Chemical sensitivity refers to a variety of symptoms after possible exposure to chemical, biologic, or physical agents.

Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Allergies are reactions that trigger an immune response and occur when the body recognizes certain foods as a threat, producing antibodies to attack the ‘foreign’ food proteins. Undiagnosed and unaddressed food intolerance fuels chronic inflammation, common symptoms include bloating, indigestion, rash- es, sneezing, allergies, headaches/migraines, eczema, fatigue and anxiety.

C-reactive Protein (CRP)

This is a marker for inflammation resulting in elevated oxidative damage to fat, protein and DNA.

Fasting Insulin

Long before blood sugar begins to climb as a person becomes diabetic, the fasting insulin level will rise, indicating that the pancreas is working overtime to deal with the excess of dietary carbohydrate. Very effective early warning system for getting ahead of the diabetes curve.

Hemoglobin A1c Test

Measures how much sugar (glucose) is stuck to red blood cells. The result of your A1c test can be used to estimate average blood sugar level, called your estimated average glucose or eAG.

Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Screen for omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids help provide wide-ranging benefits, including reducing inflammation, lowering risk of coronary heart disease and improvement in cholesterol, ADHD and depression.

Triglyceride Panel

Triglycerides are the fats absorbed in the blood following a meal or made by the liver in response to diets rich in sugars, refined carbohydrates, or fats.

Urine Mineral Analysis

Urine Mineral Analysis is indicative of toxic and essential elements being eliminated from the body. During chelation therapy the presence of excess toxic metals should be high as part of the detoxification process, however, the presence of toxic metals may indicate acute exposure. Excess nutritional elements, as revealed by urine screening may indicate a metabolic disorder, high mineral intake or lack of absorption by the body.